Thursday, September 4, 2008


These are the musings of me, Jacob Ferguson.

These are my thoughts and ideas spilled out across the internet for the rest of you to use.

I recommend reading my Myspace blogs, but I will be converting those over into this space chronologically, as well as adding my occasional new blog.

I hope to be someone someday. But until then, I just have my voice.
A voice that is tattered broken and confused;
Most of all

So feel free to read.

This will take me a while seeing as how I love to ramble, and procrastinate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One Addendum, one of the more popular criticisms is that it takes a "white man" to save these helpless people. No, that is wrong. People miss the point. It is not pretentious, nor is it accurate. Consider if you will for one moment that is just a matter of perspective. Jake Sully is born into the tribe of Na'vi therefore becoming one, making this less racial and cultural, and more spiritual. Being Na'vi is meant to be more of a state of mind, otherwise, Cameron wouldn't have invented the idea of Avatar's in the first place. He could just have easily bred Avatars without needing to be controlled or easier, just raise them to believe the things that we humans wanted them to believe. The answer is obvious, the Avatar was meant to show that their beliefs and way of life was an enlightened state of being, a metaphorical transformation that transcends race. The Na'vi know that he is human, yet they eventually let him in after he has realized their way of life. That being said, who better to fight against a bunch of marines than a marine? He would obviously be the best candidate, much like the Last Samurai. It was a connection of equality, most certainly not superiority.